Saturday, 3 February 2007

My trades

Hi! This is my blog,  I will post my Wi-Fi trades here.

Pokemon I want:
- Neatoru
- Pochama
- Palkia
- Suicune
- Celebi
- Elekid
- Magby
- Graveler
- Machoke
- Kadabra
- Seadra @ Dragon Scale
- Larvitar
- Slowpoke
- Pinsir
- Stantler
- Dratini
- Tateotopsu
- Nyaruma
- Porygon
- Mew
- Celebi
- Clampearl
- Snorlax

Items I want:
- Magma Boost
- Electric Boost
- Upgrade
- Eeriee Patch

Pokemon I have:
- Any Pokemon avalaible in Emerald

Items i have:
- Any Item avalaible in Emerald

Pokemon I will have when I get D/P:
- Guokazaru
- Yukimenukio
- Rentoraa
- Mukkuhawk
- Any Eeveelution
- Lucario
- All Pokemon exclusive to Diamond
- Houndoom
- Muumajii
- Any Pokemon from Jotho except for Suicune and Celebi
- Any Pokemon from Kanto
- Any Pokemon from Hoenn

Those are the accepted trades:

kirkeastment from SPPF:
His:             Mine:
Raikou --> Deoxys
Entei --> Deoxys
Zapdos --> Deoxys
Moltres --> Deoxys
Articuno --> Magikarp
Bulbasaur --> Ho-Oh
Charmander --> Magikarp
Squirtle --> Magikarp
Cyndaquil --> Magikarp
Totodile --> Lugia
Treeco --> Magikarp
Mudkip --> Magikarp

gNatFreak from PokeBeach Forums:
His:             Mine:
Jirachi --> Deoxys

~Dotaitos~ from SPPF:
His:                 Mine:
Mewtwo --> Rayquaza

How to contact me:
My email:
PM me on SPPF:
PM me on PokeBeach Forums:

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